These matches are shot from some sort of supported postion as seen above. The course of fire is similar for both centerfire and .22 Rimfire with reduced distances.
These matches are a similar format to the "Centerfire" matches with somewhat reduced range and with an increased round count for each stage. Distances are typically 100 to 700 yards with most being 600 or less.
Introduction to Precision Rifle is a course being offered at this time. The course is designed to establish a solid foundation of knowedge regarding rifle setup, ballistic application usage, reticle/turret usage, basic understanding of wind. It is suited to both shooters interested in competition as well as hunters needing to validate their ability to engage game at longer distance.
We enjoy shooting the Competition Dynamics Team Safari in New Mexico so much we started hosting an annual match in the exact same format! Therefore, we use the same rules and guidelines the Team Safari does with minor variations to better suit our terrain. With that, nearly all Team Safari information on the web, videos and otherwise are a relavent source of information. See below for match information and update.
Stages for matches are designed to be challenging to all skill levels while maintaining practicality. This allows shooter's to hone their skills in field shooting situations.
This match is a one day team event. Each of the field stages require the 2 man team to locate, range and engage multiple steel targets at distances up to and occasionally slightly exceeding 1000 yards. Effective communication is key in this dynamic field match environment.
Registered shooters, please check frequently for updated match information.
***If you haven't read the match rules in detail please do so. I don't mind answering questions at all but I'm not too keen on repeating what was provided in the written match description. Note: The maximum distance for carbine was increased from 500 to 600 yards. There's only a couple of stages that require the carbine shooter to engage beyond 500 yards provided the team locates the closer targets.
This match is considered to be a "Blind Stage" match, meaning shooters are not to watch a team shoot a stage prior shooting it themselves. There will be holding areas between stages however some stages are close together, especially at Cedar Fork Range proper. Please do not rubber neck and try to game the stage ahead of you. That is not following the spirit of the match. Help me use the limited terrain available by keeping your back to the next stage until time for your team to shoot it.
9/27/23 12:37 Update: Due to the fact there are not dedicated "Zero Range" locations at both shooting locations and time will be critical a zero range will NOT be available on the day of the match. Any exceptions must be approved by the Match Director (Craig Phillips) and will only by granted in extenuating circumstances.
9/7/23 Update: The rally point for the shooter's meeting will be 7:30 at the Cedar Ridge Cabin approximately 3 miles from the Cedar Fork Precision Range main gate. Simply continue past the main gate on N and stay right at every turn. You will see signs, to include a big sign stating, "Stop, Turn Around", continue past this sign. 37°45'26.8"N 90°00'59.5"W is the location of the rally point.
Lunch will be provided on the fly during the match. Hoeckele's Deli sandwhichs will be dropped off at both shooting locations around noon. A canned soda will be provided as well. Limited water will be on site, bring your own.
Remember, shooting glasses will be required for the assault stage.
Once the match is concluded we will rally for the awards and prize table at Cedar Ridge Cabin (original rally point).
Explaination of how to shoot a 2x3 stage.
Explanation of how to shoot a 1x6 stage.
Have questions about anything? Send us a message!
37°43'46.2"N 89°59'41.6"